Sara Hand has a diverse business development background across public and private sector enterprises, which includes early stage investment. Her motto is “Think Big. Keep it Simple. Make it Happen.” Using Strategic Doing, Sara drives action-focused agendas and is widely recognized for consistently achieving her goals with grace and confident skill.

An entrepreneur, Sara uses her strengths to find and leverage unique value propositions and create synergistic partnerships. This has enabled her to become a valuable leader and asset to her community and has presented opportunities with the State Department, the United Nations and the 2015 Harvard Future-Ready Economies Summit.

Sara will be acting as a host and moderator along with Stan Schultes during the 3.0 Leaders Conference

Network with Sara Hand and other leaders getting things done at the 3.0 Leaders Conference, February 2016.
Sara Hand Contact info:
Twitter: @SaraHand and @Spark_Growth
Websites: http://3-Leaders.comhttp://SparkGrowth.net

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