3.0 Leaders Innovation & Investment

Convergence Conference

2017 Sponsors

We appreciate the organizations and individuals who sponsor, support and champion the 3.0 Leaders Conference and initiatives. Our sponsors are 3.0 Leaders themselves and understand the power of collaboration. They know that there is power in their networks. They are life-long learners and they examine and embrace day-by-day what is still relevant and eliminate what is not. They are not afraid of the new and seek ideas that produce disruptive and game changing innovations.

The world has changed and so have the operating rules where systems are more expansive, connected and global than ever. Changes come so quickly that, although a few may profess to know what the new rules are, no one person, organization or entity has all the answers. Our sponsors look for something different, and are excited to be a part of the 3.0 Leaders 2017 Conference.