Gail Gillian-Bain

Food Business Incubation International (FBII) is an international consortium of members who believe in supporting entrepreneurs where everyday successful, innovative and high growth companies are being launched through the support received from its members. FBII members help overcome the barriers on the road to commercialization for many start-ups as FBII and its members are leading the development of value added products, innovative technology and research and building a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem addressing the needs of consumers, industry and government in the field of agriculture development.

FBII recognizes the opportunity for growth in this industry on a global scale and a focus towards a strategic investment that promotes market development in this sector and currently offers its members assistance by increasing the number of meaningful contacts in business and professional communities both locally and abroad which assists to create employment domestically and helps to navigate new domestic and international markets, and increase local companies’ revenues which in turn, drive their local economy.

FBII is able to open doors and create access to markets, facilitate industry-led activities aimed at developing international markets, assist companies to understand and implement food safety and traceability systems, and market attribute/quality standards, as well as, provide information and tools to capitalize on market opportunities.

Gail also works with various Canadian government departments both federally and provincial on both regional and Canadian initiatives to build best practices so that the industry can support the growth of highly innovative companies in Canada. Gail has an extensive network across many sectors which are very beneficial to identify and connect with the “best of breed” game changing ideas, innovative business models, and reflective entrepreneurs which represent a critical mass of quality pipeline development, deal flow, and promising early stage ventures. Gail is a frequent guest speaker both in Canada and globally on entrepreneurial growth ecosystems and building of international collaborations.

Twitter @FBIInovation


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