As leaders, thinkers and problem solvers, even the unspoken rules of business and innovation we once used no longer apply. In this information-rich world, context is critical and insight is invaluable.
Founded and hosted by Stan Schultes and Sara Hand of Spark Growth, since its inception in 2013, the Spark Growth Leaders Conference brings together leaders in “one of the most transformative and inspirational conferences I’ve been involved with.” – Jonathan Fleece, author of The New Health Age: The Future of Health Care in America
With our Spark Growth Conference library, whether you were able to join us in person or not, don’t miss this opportunity to hear from extraordinary leaders and innovators. These “heroes” in establishing innovation cultures address the tough issues that are facing us all today. What are the latest trends? What questions should you be asking? Where are they investing their time and money, and why? What can you take away and apply today?